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A guide to 350 wildflowers, grasses, shrubs, and trees of Utah's Wasatch region in partnership with Utah author Steve Hegji. In support of The Nature Conservancy - Utah Chapter. ($7.99)

Google Play Store

The Flora of the Wasatch app is intended for nature lovers of all kinds; those who love details, those who are casual observers, and those who want lovely photographs to enjoy on the comfort of their couch. To cover all interests, we have made this app very flexible so you can, for instance, arrange it by common or scientific name; you can identify unknown plants with a key to visible characteristics; you can search; you can scroll quickly through thumbnail photos or browse leisurely through full-sized photos; you can enlarge photos, and delve into as much detail as satisfies you. The app covers the Wasatch Range, including such diverse ecosystems as Great Basin desert and alpine tundra. Although we include some "endemics", plants found exclusively in the Wasatch Range of Utah, the majority of the plants shown can also be found in other areas of Utah and surrounding states.

Press Reviews

Fairy Slipper Orchid -- "Globally, the two most species rich plant families are Asteraceae and Orchidaceae. A small political (not ecological) division, like the state of Utah, does not reflect global statistics and Utah natively hosts very few species in the Orchid family" read more...

Sego Lily - Newsletter of the Utah Native Plant Society, Fall 2020, page 16, by Steve Hegji, author of "Flora of the Wasatch" app

TOP 5 WILDFLOWER HIKES IN UTAH -- "Think Utahns aren’t passionate about their wildflowers? Think again. There are no fewer than four (FOUR!) Utah-centric apps specifically dedicated to identifying the little four-petaled lavender flower that sprung up by your tent overnight. (Check the apps out here.) These apps are great for identifying obscure flowers and can even help you pronounce the wildflowers’ names, which is essential because they sound like the latest edition of Pokemon creatures: Zauschneria? Monkshood? Viscosissimum? Gotta catch them all!" read more..., June 6, 2016, by Jesse Hawkes

"Hiking season in Utah starts about the same time as wildflower season, which is to say they’re both starting now. Apparently aware of this, High Country Apps has created 'Flora of the Wasatch' for your phone. " read more...

Salt Lake City Tribune, May 7, 2013, by Nate Carlisle

"As a confirmed bibliophile and borderline luddite, I'm apprehensive about diving into new technology, such as iPhones, iPads, Kindles, and the like. But the world marches on, and I realize it may be time to see what all the hubbub is about. With new apps, such as Colorado Rocky Mountain Wildflowers and Flora of the Wasatch by Al Schneider and Steve Hegji, my transition from bulky paper field guides to mobile form will be a lot easier. ...The advantage of the app format is portability & search-ability. Users can search for species by family or use the clever built-in "keys" to narrow the pool of potential taxa when identifying an unknown plant. " read more...

Sego Lily, Newsletter of the Utah Native Plant Society, July, 2012

User Reviews

"This is a must-have app if you are into wildflowers along the Wasatch front. Well worth it. "
by Wasatch Nature Enthusiast - Flora of the Wasatch (iPhone), Version 1.3 June 28, 2012

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